There is a recent
post for the highest
paying retail jobs according to I did another search on
Glassdoor for part time sales associate salaries and wanted to post the results for you.
The companies with an average pay of $10 or more are listed below. It seems the best ones are jewelry, high end department stores, and cell phone stores that give you the opportunity to earn bonuses and commissions. The rest have average pay in the neighborhood of $7.50 – $9 per hour, which are mostly your common national chain stores you see in malls and strip centers.
The Glassdoor search results are attached at the bottom if you’d like to browse more.
Highest paying part time sales associate salaries (national averages):
AT&T – $19.50 (this includes bonus + commissions)
ING Direct, Sales assoc
– Promoter – $13 (wasn’t sure if this is out of their corporate office
or if there are national locations to work this position)
Container Store –
Sephora USA – $12.50 (seasonal employees – $9.25)
Bloomingdales -$12
Home Depot – $11.50
Neiman Marcus – $11.50
Nordstrom – $11.50
Helzberg Diamonds – $11
Lowe’s –
H&M -$10.50
Sprint Nextel – $10.50
Saks Fifth Ave
– $10.50
Macy’s, commissioned sales assoc – $10.25
– $10.25
Sterling Jewelers – $10
Sam’s Club – $10
See if you can find any of these sales associate positions in your area on our job board!
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