
Women house painters
A woman made a comment about her female friend who started an interior/exterior house painting side business who served solely to elderly ladies. Apparently it became a success quick and ended up quitting her full time job. Her niche of serving elderly women worked since many don’t feel comfortable having strange men coming into their […]
Want to work real estate part time?
Is it worth the time and effort to spend weeks studying for a real estate agent/broker license, pass an extensive test, then take a chance that one can sell houses on a part time basis? Many consider real estate for their side job and maybe even move into it full time once they attract more […]
Freelance Computer Tech
Use your IT skills for PC maintenance house calls. Since computers are a huge part of our every day lives, there are those who haven’t learned or have no desire to learn how to do routine maintenance for their desktop computers or laptops. Just like those who don’t know much about cars, they outsource the […]
When shouldn’t you get a second job?
In our quest to make more money or start a part time business after work, it’s easy to get all gung-ho on the idea of picking up that second job or start advertising our new business without factoring in issues realizing they could make the second job not such a bright idea. The extra money […]
Here’s a man restoring vintage trailers for his side job (or main one!)
Stumbled across this Craigslist ad in Alabama. I do mention restoring old rv’s for resale in the idea list, this guy found his niche and doing it for real. Nothing fancy, he mentions he repaints, applies rubber sealing to keep out the weather, and replaces any rotten wood. Surely he’s making a few bucks out […]