Start A Backpacking Weight Loss & Fitness Business

Here’s a superb story in non-traditional thinking in the very competitive fitness industry.  Steve Silberberg’s Fatpacking specializes in weight loss backpacking – arranging trips and take their clients on wilderness hiking vacations aimed at improving fitness and enjoying an unforgettable wilderness experience.  I’ve personally experienced on these multi-day backpacking trips that you can lose some weight quickly when you’re walking all day with a 30-40 lb pack on your back, even when you’re eating whatever you want.  You can do trips wherever there’s some good trails and campsites locally, or arrange trips nationally such as Shenandoah National Park, Smoky Mountains, Arizona Trail, hike around Mt. Ranier or Mt. Hood.  The choices are unlimited!

As big as the fitness and fat loss industry is, people could be looking for a new weight loss program for a strategy change to get some last bits of weight off or a way to kick start a fitness program by losing some fast weight and get a quick success under their belt.

Read the story here.

Outdoor Weight Loss Program

Photo from

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