I was lucky to come across a job search website that provides a quality source of online work or companies offering flexible and part-time hours performing traditional work in 50 categories. The site is FlexHourJobs.com and since the link has been posted on the Side Jobs List, it has quickly gained momentum as a top 5 link for the past 30 days.
Here’s a snippet about the site. If this fits what you’re looking
for, be sure to check them out –
Flex Hour Jobs specializes in telecommuting, flexible schedule, part time, seasonal, project and temp work. The site was created for Baby Boomers not ready to retire and Stay at Home Moms/ Caregivers who want to continue working professionally but not the traditional 9-5 in an office. The site is free to job seekers and lists jobs in over 60 categories form entry to professional in the US and Canada. The team at Flex Hour Jobs screens the Jobs daily to ensure they are all legitimate jobs.
From PR Web –
“Flex Hour Jobs is putting an end to the debate over whether women really can have it all,” said Jacqueline Sloboda, founder and chief executive officer. “Our extensive database of work from home jobs and part-time, flex-time and telecommuting job opportunities make it easier for women to realistically achieve work-life balance and rejoin the workforce on their own terms. We’re helping to usher in an era where women no longer have to make personal sacrifices that they may later regret.”
“Our site provides women with the tools and resources they need to succeed both personally and professionally, said Sloboda. “There’s a major shift occurring in the way we work, a shift that’s both progressive and inevitable, and we are proud that our site is helping work from home moms capitalize on it.”
Visit FlexHourJobs.com
Your website is great! This post really caught my eye when I was searching around. Thanks for sharing it.